Sometimes, when I’m slogging my way uphill through shit, I remind myself that thousands - probably millions - of people before me have slogged up similar hills through similar shit. Maybe not while democracy crumbled around them, but still. I’m not the only one. This makes me feel a little bit better - a little less alone.
And, it isn’t even me slogging through shit - it’s The Bertinator.
I managed to come down with a cold on Friday and spent much of the weekend asleep - which is how I came to miss multiple texts and calls from my aunt and then mom about my mom’s most recent fall. This fall left her with a broken hip that required surgery.
The Bertinator is heading to a rehab facility this week.
I already had a trip to IL planned starting March 15th and now I’m wondering what my next move is - do I go sooner? Where is the ailing parent playbook?
Well. This is the worlds shortest post but I don’t know what else to say.