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  • Writer's picturemaggiehsmith07

I Know Things Now

Friday, three years, three months, and seven days after my first day at Traliant, was my last day at Traliant. It’s bittersweet, the way most endings are - the bitter being how I felt being micromanaged for the past 9 months & leaving the amazing team I built. The sweet being an amazing video put together by the marketing to bid me farewell. After the generous helpings of bitter micromanagement, I needed the sweet. The sweet reminded me of the good I’d done before I began to fray and throw my hands in the air, resigned, under the weight of the bitter. Oh right. I’m capable. I did good here.

Days before I left, my supervisor asked if I had any feedback for him - I gave some balanced feedback - the good with the bad, because I know all to well how heavy weight of the bad can be to carry. After I hung up, I had two thoughts:

  1. I didn’t ask if he had feedback for me.


I start my job tomorrow - because Andrea and I have planned time off beginning August 9th. So I’ve been preparing for my first day. I haven’t started a new/new in office job in over 7 years. And I’ve been working from home since the start of the pandemic. I think it’s good I’ve accepted a job where I’m forced to put on nice pants, brush the back of my hair, and engage in small talk (which I don’t particularly enjoy but it’s an art I’m less skilled at after remote work).

When I joined Traliant, the position I accepted was a Director level role and they hadn’t had HR before. I was promoted once, then twice, by the prior CEO who gave me feedback - but it was balanced. Accurate. He was someone I would ask for advice.

Tomorrow’s job is the first I’ve begun, been hired as a VP of HR. I’m excited and scared which always reminds me of the song, I Know Things Now, in the musical Into the Woods. It’s sung by the character Little Red Riding Hood.

And though scary is exciting

Nice is different than good

Now I know: Don't be scared

Granny is right, Just be prepared

Isn't it nice to know a lot!

And a little bit not

I Know Things Now

Mother said, "Straight ahead"

Not to delay or be mislead

I should have headed her advice

But he seemed so nice

And he showed me things

Many beautiful things

That I hadn't thought to explore

They were off my path

So I never had dared

I had been so careful

I never had cared

And he made me feel excited

Well, excited and scared

When he said, "Come in!"

With that sickening grin

How could I know what was in store?

Once his teeth were bared

Though, I really got scared

Well, excited and scared

But he drew me close

And he swallowed me down

Down a dark slimy path

Where lie secrets that I never want to know

And when everything familiar

Seemed to disappear forever

At the end of the path

Was Granny once again

So we lay in the dark

'Til you came and set us free

And you brought us to the light

And we're back at the start

And I know things now

Many valuable things

That I hadn't known before

Do not put your faith

In a cape and a hood

They will not protect you

The way that they should

And take extra care with strangers

Even flowers have their dangers

And though scary is exciting

Nice is different than good

Now I know: Don't be scared

Granny is right, Just be prepared

Isn't it nice to know a lot!

And a little bit not

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